Personal pages/Season 2024/Distillations

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2024/07/21 distilling the redwine I made from the grapes last year. It was completely undrinkable. There is about 5-10litres left in a 30litre vat. Yield was 2 litres at 55%.
2024/07/28 have discovered a 100litre vat with the remainder of the "redwine". With fruit and stalks, it looks like 50litres. Have dug out the remainder of B2, looks like 25litres. It is now being distilled, with 10litres of water added. It had a pretty foul, almost sour, smell, very unpleasant.
I obviously should not have left it for so long. The distillation did not go too well - temperature in pot1 rose to 95C, followed by pot2 to about the same - with virtually no output, only a few drops. I stopped it - my guess is that whatever ethanol may have been left in the mash, simply evaporated, the vat was essentially open.